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Course Update Policy

Last Updated: April 9, 2024

At CPE Today, we are committed to providing current, accurate, and effectively designed course materials to ensure the relevance and accuracy of our content.

Course Documentation: All course materials will contain the most recent publication, revision, or review date. This ensures that participants can access the latest information relevant to the course topic.

Course Revisions: Courses are revised promptly following changes to related codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, and other pertinent factors. This ensures that our content remains up-to-date and reflects the most accurate information.

Subject Matter Expert Review: Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes are reviewed by a subject matter expert at least once a year to verify the currency of the content. All other courses are reviewed at least every two years. This ensures the ongoing relevance and accuracy of our course content.

Course Development: In line with NASBA Standards, all our learning activities are developed by subject matter experts. This ensures that our course content is accurate, comprehensive, and effective.

Group Programs: For group live and group internet-based programs, the revision date is the date of the event. This ensures that participants receive the most timely and relevant information.

Please note, all policies are subject to change at any time without written notice.

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