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DIY Penetration Testing for Your Home and Organization

Course - DIY Penetration Testing for Your Home and Organization

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Cyber Security Best Practices Conference
December 3, 2024 | Seminar

Major Topics

  • Data Breach Prevention

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the various holes, issues and risks that face your organization with respect to its technology.
  2. List, understand and unitize the major tools for promoting security in your organization such anti-malware, spam protection, firewall, and more.
  3. Identify various low-cost tools such as Gone Phishing or Shodan for uncovering potential issues with your home or organizations network.
  4. Identify the common techniques that attackers use in a data breach and try them against your organization. The intention would be resolve the know issues once you’ve identified the deficiencies before they are used against you.

Course Description

Every year, countless data breaches occur around the world that cost organizations billions of dollars. All reports that the frequency, size and scope of data breaches is increasing at an alarming rate. A recent report by IBM showed that average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million dollars, if you’re lucky! Penetration testing is a security procedure that can help identity your potential deficiencies. This course will focus on practical, do-it-yourself methods of checking the security IT of your home or office. It will help you identify areas where your security could be improved, and potential holes closed.

Compliance Information

Intended Audience

Accountants and Financial Professionals who would like to learn more about Penetration Testing

Advanced Preparation


Field of Study

Computer Software and Applications


2 Credits

Published Date

March 22, 2024

Course Authors

Stephen Yoss

Big Bear Lake, CA
Speaker & Author, CPE Today

Stephen M. Yoss, Jr., CPA, MS, is a certified public accountant, partner and CEO of Devmatics, LLC, a continuing education instructor for financial professionals, a and a licensed pyrotechnician. While his interests and skills are varied, they all share a common thread—his love for and skill in finding technology-based solutions. In 2017, Stephen and Alex White formed Devmatics, LLC, a company focused on helping organizations develop technology strategies to streamline their business operations. He specializes in taking on high-difficulty, mission-critical organizational issues that require technological expertise and an ability to find solutions to problems that no one else can answer. With all of his clients, he emphasizes the need to embrace technology at every opportunity and utilize the latest technological trends and breakthroughs in order to gain a competitive advantage while increasing efficiency and productivity.

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Every year, countless data breaches occur around the world that cost organizations billions of dollars. All reports that the frequency, size and scope of data breaches is increasing at an alarming rate. A recent report by IBM showed that average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million dollars, if you’re lucky! Penetration testing is a security procedure that can help identity your potential deficiencies. This course will focus on practical, do-it-yourself methods of checking the security IT of your home or office. It will help you identify areas where your security could be improved, and potential holes closed.

Course Details

  • Data Breach Prevention

  1. Identify the various holes, issues and risks that face your organization with respect to its technology.
  2. List, understand and unitize the major tools for promoting security in your organization such anti-malware, spam protection, firewall, and more.
  3. Identify various low-cost tools such as Gone Phishing or Shodan for uncovering potential issues with your home or organizations network.
  4. Identify the common techniques that attackers use in a data breach and try them against your organization. The intention would be resolve the know issues once you’ve identified the deficiencies before they are used against you.

Intended Audience — Accountants and Financial Professionals who would like to learn more about Penetration Testing

Advanced Preparation — None

Field of Study — Computer Software and Applications

Credits — 2 Credits

IRS Program Number

Published Date – March 22, 2024

Revision Date

Course Authors

Stephen Yoss

Big Bear Lake, CA
Speaker & Author, CPE Today

Stephen M. Yoss, Jr., CPA, MS, is a certified public accountant, partner and CEO of Devmatics, LLC, a continuing education instructor for financial professionals, a and a licensed pyrotechnician. While his interests and skills are varied, they all share a common thread—his love for and skill in finding technology-based solutions. In 2017, Stephen and Alex White formed Devmatics, LLC, a company focused on helping organizations develop technology strategies to streamline their business operations. He specializes in taking on high-difficulty, mission-critical organizational issues that require technological expertise and an ability to find solutions to problems that no one else can answer. With all of his clients, he emphasizes the need to embrace technology at every opportunity and utilize the latest technological trends and breakthroughs in order to gain a competitive advantage while increasing efficiency and productivity.

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All of our self-study courses are NASBA approved (through our partners at K2 Enterprises) the revisions to the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards).

Your Registration Includes:

  • Course materials (video & PDF version)
  • Unlimited attempts to complete exam
  • Course materials (PDF & Sample Materials)
  • Instant grading & certificate of completion
  • One year access to complete your CPE
  • Completion certificate

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